Flight School Training in Español (Spanish)

Capstone Video Prep

Unit 1: Frutas (Fruits)

Now it’s time to practice with the Fruits Unit! When you’re comfortable, you will use this class for the next step of making and submitting your Capstone Video.

Fruits Spanish agendas


KEYWORDS: fresitas (strawberries), tengo hambre (I’m hungry), uno (one), dos (two), tres (three), cuatro (four), cinco (five), seis (six), siete (seven), ocho (eight), nueve (nine), diez (ten), ahora (now), basta (enough), manzana (apple), aguacate (avocado), naranja (orange), pera (pear), ciruela (plum), plátano/banano (banana), limón (lemon), comer (to eat)


  • Hola Wave (Hello Wave)
  • Buenos Días Chant (Good Morning Chant)
  • Puppet: Myla Tiene Hambre (Myla Is Hungry)


  • Hola Song (Hello Song)
  • Magic Words: Ahora / Basta (Now / Enough)
  • Ensalada de Frutas (Fruit Salad)
  • Manzanas y Bananos (Apples And Bananas)
  • Hora de Limpiar (Clean-up Song)


  • Parachute
  • Fresitas (Strawberries)
  • Ahora Vamos Cantar (We Are Going To Sing)


  • Lullaby: Escucha (Listen)


  • Review: manzana (apple), comer (eat)
  • Dance Party
  • Adiós Amigos (Goodbye Friends)
  • Stickers / Stamps

Agenda week 1

KEYWORDS: tengo hambre (I’m hungry), uno (one), dos (two), tres (three), cuatro (four), cinco (five), seis (six), siete (seven), ocho (eight), nueve (nine), diez (ten), lento (slow), rápido (fast), sembramos (we plant), manzanas (apples), manos (hands), aguacate (avocado), naranja (orange), pera (pear), ciruela (plum), plátano/banano (banana), limón (lemon)


  • Hola Wave (Hello Wave)
  • Buenos Días Chant (Good Morning Chant)
  • Puppet: Myla Tiene Hambre (Myla Is Hungry)


  • Hola Song (Hello Song)
  • Magic Words: Lento / Rápido (Slow / Fast)
  • Sembramos Manzanas (Planting Apples)
  • Ensalada de Frutas (Fruit Salad)
  • Hora de Limpiar (Clean-up Song)


  • Parachute
  • Fresitas (Strawberries)
  • Ahora Vamos Cantar (We Are Going To Sing)


  • Lullaby: Escucha (Listen)


  • Review: tengo hambre (I’m hungry), sembramos (we plant)
  • Dance Party
  • Adiós Amigos (Goodbye Friends)
  • Stickers / Stamps

Agenda week 2

Keywords: manzana (apple), aguacate (avocado), naranja (orange), pera (pear), ciruela (plum), plátano/banano (banana), limón (lemon)


Me gustan las frutas me gustan con limón, me gustan las frutas me gustan con limón


Son muy ricas, son muy ricas mm mm mm mm mm


Son muy ricas, son muy ricas mm mm mm mm mm


Manzana manzana, aguacate aguacate,


Naranja naranja, pera pera,


Ciruela ciruela, banano banano,


Con limón, con limón

Keywords: comer (to eat), manzanas (apples), bananos (bananas)


Me gusta comer, comer, comer


Manzanas y bananos

Me gusta comer, comer, comer


Manzanas y bananos

Keywords: sembramos (we plant), manzanas (apples), manos (hands)


Sembramos manzanas con las manos, con las manos

Sembramos manzanas con las manos, con las manos

Lyrics & Chords

Fruits Spanish Scripts


A. Ensalada de Frutas (Fruit Salad)

Keywords: manzana (apple), aguacate (avocado), naranja (orange), pera (pear), ciruela (plum), plátano/banano (banana), limón (lemon)


  • Hold a basket/bag with the fruits inside on your lap and take out the apple to show to the class.
  • Shake the apple and translate by saying manzana, apple.
  • Encourage class to repeat and sing in a melody man-za-na, man-za-na, man-za-na.
  • Distribute the apple to one student.
  • Repeat this process for each fruit and distribute to different students in the class.
  • Sing through the melody of Ensalada de Frutas once and then ask the children to join you. Sing through the same melody again.
  • Explain that is their part of the song.
  • Explain you will cue the class when it is their part.


  • Start a rhythm with the shakers.
  • Cue class right before their part.
  • Sing Ensalada de Frutas three times with varying speeds.


  • When preparing the song, ask students if they can identify the fruits that you take out of the basket/bag.
  • The teacher can place fruits on the floor in the basket/bag and call out the names of fruits while kids run up to select the correct one from the basket/bag.

B. Manzanas y Bananos (Apples and Bananas)

Keywords: comer (to eat), manzanas (apples), bananos (bananas)


  • Ring the bell and announce, that you like to eat apples and bananas for breakfast.
  • Take the manzanas y bananos in your possession.
  • Review the names of these fruits in Spanish with their melodies.
  • Sing in Spanish, me gusta comer, comer, comer manzanas y bananos; I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas.
  • Encourage class to repeat, manzanas y bananos three times and explain that is their part of the song.
  • Instruct class to begin clapping in a rhythm.


  • Once everyone is clapping in unison rhythm, begin chanting.
  • Begin playing guitar.
  • Physically cue class when it is their part.
  • Change the names of the fruits each week.


  • Sing the song only in Spanish and have class guess what you are singing (hint that it’s also a song in Spanish).
  • Teach new breakfast food items with the same melody, such as jugo de naranja (orange juice), cereal con leche (cereal with milk), etc.

C. Sembramos Manzanas (Planting Apples)

Keywords: sembramos (we plant), manzana (apples), manos (hands)


  • Ask students to place their hands on the floor or on a gathering drum.
  • Begin making a beat until the entire class is mimicking you.
  • Place one fruit in the center of the circle and explain in Spanish sembramos manzanas, we’re planting apples.
  • Encourage class to repeat chanting sembramos manzanas, manzanas, manzanas. Sembramos manzanas, manzanas, manzanas.


  • Get a rhythm going with the class tapping their hands.
  • Begin chanting.
  • After two rounds, change the speed, pitch, and volume.
  • Switch to different fruits in the center of the circle.


  • Add new elements by having the class pretend to dig and place seeds in the ground. Have each child choose a fruit and encourage them to lead the others by saying Sembramos naranjas, etc.
  • You can also have the children plant the fruits with other parts of their bodies such as codos (elbows) and pies (feet).

Song Scripts

Myla Tiene Hambre (Myla Is Hungry)

KEYWORDS: tengo hambre (I’m hungry), uno (one), dos (two), tres (three), cuatro (four), cinco (five), seis (six), siete (seven), ocho (eight), nueve (nine), diez (ten)


  • Be sure that you can easily access Myla in your bag. Check before class to make sure the puppet is clean and review what you’ll be teaching.


  • Make a sound like a bird.
  • Ask the class, “Did you hear something? I think I heard Myla! Can we call her out?”
  • Instruct the class to repeat Myla Birdie with a fun rhythm as you prepare your hand in the puppet inside of the Bilingual Birdies bag.
  • Myla enters with an exciting melody or gesture.
  • Instruct the children to repeat ¡Hola Myla!.
  • Looking at the Myla, say, “¿Myla, Cómo estás?”.
  • Myla responds, “¡Tengo hambre!”.
  • Invite the children to repeat tengo hambre with Myla three times.
  • Explain that the class is going to get some apples for Myla to eat. Look up and pretend to see an apple tree.
  • Instruct the children to reach their hands up and repeat after you as you pick ten apples for Myla to eat.
  • Count to ten in Spanish saying each number twice and encouraging the children to count with you. “Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez”.
  • Invite children to hold out their hand and pretend to feed Myla.
  • Go up to each child and have Myla eat apples out of their hands.
  • Explain that Myla is so full from all of the yummy apples she ate. Tell the children she is going to take a nap now.
  • Encourage the children to repeat ¡Hasta luego Myla!
  • Myla exits with the same melody or gesture.


  • Once the children are confident counting to ten, have them count to twenty.

Puppetry Scripts

KEYWORDS: tengo hambre (I’m hungry), uno (one), dos (two), tres (three), cuatro (four), cinco (five), seis (six), siete (seven), ocho (eight), nueve (nine), diez (ten), lento (slow), rápido (fast), sembramos (we plant), manzanas (apples), manos (hands), aguacate (avocado), naranja (orange), pera (pear), ciruela (plum), plátano/banano (banana), limón (lemon)


  • Hola Wave (Hello Wave)
  • Buenos Días Chant (Good Morning Chant)
  • Puppet: Myla Tiene Hambre (Myla Is Hungry)


  • Hola Song (Hello Song)
  • Magic Words: Lento / Rápido (Slow / Fast)
  • Sembramos Manzanas (Planting Apples)
  • Ensalada de Frutas (Fruit Salad)
  • Hora de Limpiar (Clean-up Song)


  • Parachute
  • Fresitas (Strawberries)
  • Ahora Vamos Cantar (We Are Going To Sing)


  • Lullaby: Escucha (Listen)


  • Review: tengo hambre (I’m hungry), sembramos (we plant)
  • Dance Party
  • Adiós Amigos (Goodbye Friends)
  • Stickers / Stamps

Magic Words Scripts