Flight School Training in Français (French)

Class Structure

The first step in our training is to familiarize yourself with the overall structure of Bilingual Birdies classes. Ritual songs and activities repeat across all classes that you teach. You will weave content from your monthly curriculum units throughout your classes. Unit-specific content that will change month to month is marked below with an * symbol.

There are two templates for Bilingual Birdies classes, based on class length: 30 minutes and 45 minutes. Both agenda templates are available for download on this page. Review the templates and note the differences between a 45-minute class and a 30-minute class. (You may focus on the 45-minute class template for this training since the 30-minute class in a condensed version of the 45-minute class).

There always two agendas per theme. Your unit for the month should look like this:

  • Week 1: Agenda 1 (Introduce new theme).
  • Week 2: Agenda 1 (Reinforce new vocabulary).
  • Week 3: Agenda 2 (Build on core concepts and further expand vocabulary).
  • Week 4: Agenda 2 (Celebrate mastery of theme).

For each song you’ll be provided with: lyrics and chords, a written script, and an audio file. In some cases instead of lyrics and chords you’ll have sheet music. We’re not available to provide additional sheet music for songs that have lyrics and chords only. The reason for this is because we’ve found that in order to make the training process accessible to educators with varying musical backgrounds, utilizing lyrics and chords is most effective.


General Framework

Theme: ________________________________



1. INTRO (10 Minutes):

  • Hello Wave – 1 minute
  • Good Morning Chant – 4 minutes
  • Puppetry* – 5 minutes

2. THEMED UNIT (15 Minutes):

  • The Hello Song – 5 minutes
  • Magic Words* – 2 minutes
  • Theme Song* – 3 minutes
  • Theme Song* – 3 minutes
  • The Clean-up Song – 2 minutes

3. MOVEMENT (8 Minutes):

  • Parachute – 5 minutes
  • Movement Song* – 3 minutes

4. LULLABY (2 Minutes):

  • Lullaby* – 2 minutes

5. CLOSING (10 Minutes):

  • Puppet Review* – 3 minutes
  • Dance Party – 3 minutes
  • Goodbye song – 2 minutes
  • Stickers / Stamps – 2 minutes

Learn the best practices for Zoom Classes here

ONLINE! Template 30-Minute Class Agenda here