Add Schools

1. In the MGMT Portal go to SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP section

2. Fill the form with the following info and then select the Next button:

  • Name of School (In the Name of School Space, if it’s a returning school client, please indicate the last unit taught next to the school name. Example; Little Preschol – Farm Animals.)
  • Number of units. The program starts with Fruits unit (fee per unit $50)
  • Start date. Parents will have access to the materials starting in this date and the materials will expire when the number of months (units) you selected have passed.
  • Language

3. Select your payment method. You can use a payment method that you already have saved in your account or add a new one. Then click in the Submit button.

4. Go to the School Codes tab. Here you can review the School Partnerships that you have added.

5. Use the download button to download the parent letter and sent it to the director of the School, so they can distribute it with the parents. The letter has a link and a special code for the parents to have access to the materials.

6. When the parent goes to the link, we’ll ask them to fill a form with their name, email, name of school and the special code.

7. After filling the form they have access to the materials portal, where they can see how to use the materials and have access to them.

When clicking each unit they can stream or download the Music Album, review the Song Lyrics, read the E-book and download the Vocab Sheet.

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